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The Journey - Enable

Change Agents

Involve the change agents to start the change

Analyse Impact

Address and resolve the conflicts

Execute and Conduct

Deliver first experiences with the new technology

Enable is the second of four primary phases of change management which builds on the preparation of the first phase and sets the gears in motion delivering practical experience to the end users.

Step 1. Engage change agents

After identifying change agents within your organisation it is time to actively involve them in the process. Organize regular meetings to discuss project progress, stress key messages, share insights and answer questions. The degree of involvement of those key figures will define the mood of the transformation of the entire company.

Step 2. Address impact

Take some time to define new cultural norms and communicate those to the users. The innovation will inevitably cause some conflicts among employees as well. Be prepared to solve them in a quick but gentle manner so as to retain a positive image of the change.

Step 3. Execute project comms

Once you have a communication plan in place, it is time to execute it. Deliver the communications in a timely manner and use the power of internal marketing to keep the end users informed and excited.

Step 4. Conduct training

Keeping employees up-to-date is important, but on hand experience with the technology is crucial. Start training sessions, using the prepared materials, and in the process have another look at your training plan. Never stop analysing and evaluating the relevance and effectiveness of the chosen format of the training. Be flexible and offer other options if the former proves ineffective. Pay special attention that the executives do not miss out on their coaching sessions.



Once Enable Phase has started and the processes are in place, it is important for change agents to stay engaged and further lead and monitor the change progress.

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.

- Winston Churchill

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