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10 things to keep in mind when using ChatGPT

What we helped

1. Clarity and precision: Ask clear and precise questions or requests to get the best answers.

2. Provide context: Give as much context as possible to ensure answers are relevant and useful.

3. Patience: Sometimes it may be necessary to rephrase questions or provide additional details to get the answer you want.

4. Respect privacy: Avoid sharing personal or sensitive information in your questions.

5. Usage Guidelines: Follow ChatGPT's usage guidelines and ethical guidelines.

6. Verify: Verify important information or facts that ChatGPT provides, as it can make mistakes.

7. Critical thinking: Keep a critical eye and question answers, especially on complex or controversial topics.

8. Giving feedback: When possible, provide feedback to improve the quality and accuracy of future answers.

9. Scope of Use: Understand the limitations of ChatGPT and do not use it for legal, medical or other specialized advice without consulting an expert.

10. Understanding AI: Recognize that ChatGPT is an AI model and does not have human feelings, opinions or states of consciousness. It is based on patterns and data it has learned during its training.