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Who earns money with GenAI?

What we helped

The winner of GenAI 👑

Accenture generated over 600 million dollars in Generative AI this quarter, which amounts to an annual income of 2.4 billion dollars. By comparison, OpenAI generated 1.6 billion dollars in revenue in 2023.

Increase budgets for generative AI  🚀

Companies plan to increase their spending by a factor of 2 to 5 in 2024. Huge opportunities for AI start-ups that:

1. develop solutions for companies' AI strategy

2. offer product-related services

Hugging Face and Llama have established themselves as standards. OpenAI dominates in production applications. The biggest effects? Increases in productivity. 🌟

2024 will be the year for agent-based workflows and complex tasks. 🌐

Core competencies:

- Produkt Innovation

- Operational Excellence

- Customer focus

Companies with unique data or strong infrastructure, such as Character AI and GPT wrappers, have great opportunities.

ChatGPT remains an Allround-Talent! 🌟