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Increasing productivity through digitalization of processes

What we helped

increased productivity


Procise, a consulting company with a focus on process optimization and digitalization, was commissioned by a medium-sized manufacturing company to increase productivity by comprehensively digitalizing its business processes. The company was struggling to improve efficiency and meet the increasing demands of the market.


The aim of the project was to increase the company's productivity by at least 15 percent. Existing processes were to be analyzed and optimized using digital solutions.

 Initial situation

The company mainly used manual, partially digitized processes in production, administration and the warehouse. This led to inefficient workflows, high error rates and slow response times to customer requirements.


1. Analysis of existing processes

   - Conducting workshops and interviews with employees to gain a detailed insight into current processes.

   - Identification of weak points and bottlenecks in the processes.

2. Implementing ERP-Solution

   - Introduction of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software that integrates all business areas.

   - Automation of order, warehouse and production processes through the ERP system.

3. Digitalization of the production process

   - Use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to collect and analyze real-time data from production.

   - Implementation of a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) to improve production planning and control.

4. Training and Change Management

   - Training employees in the use of the new digital tools and systems.

   - Change management measures to promote acceptance and understanding of the changes.

5. Monitoring and continuous improvement

   - Setting up dashboards and KPI monitoring to monitor the performance of the new processes.

   - Regular review and adjustment of processes based on the data collected and feedback from employees.


- Productivity increase: Productivity was increased by 18%, exceeding the original target of 15%.

- Reduction in the error rate: The automation and digitalization of processes has significantly reduced the error rate.

- Improved response times: Throughput times in production and responsiveness to customer requirements have been significantly improved.

- Employee satisfaction: Employees reported an improvement in working conditions and increased satisfaction due to a reduction in monotonous and error-prone tasks.


The consistent digitalization of processes by Procise not only enabled this company to significantly increase productivity, but also to sustainably improve workflows and the company's overall performance. This success illustrates the potential of digitalization as the key to competitiveness in the manufacturing industry. ... and is the first significant step towards the successful use of artificial intelligence